
Automotive Glazing - Pilkington

High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality.

Integrated Systems - Pilkington

Integrated Antennas. Antenna systems for vehicles were first developed in the 1970s. Pilkington Automotive had a major part in this development, with Japan and Germany driving the demand for integrating antennas into glazings, to combat vandalism and to improve aesthetics.

Glas der er synligt for fugle, er udviklet for at beskytte ... - Pilkington

Pilkington AviSafe™ har et udviklet UV-mønster, der er mere synlig for fugle end for mennesker hvilket hjælper med at forhindre kollisioner, men opretholder den gennemsigtighed og æstetiske tiltrækning, som glas i arkitektur giver.

Complex Shaping - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has the capability to help car designers bring concepts involving complex shaping to reality. Rear glazings are following a similar trend to windshield trends.

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Automotive Glass Replacement. Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Pilkington Spacia™

Pilkington Spacia™ er verdens første kommercielt tilgængelige vakuumglas. Den ekstremt tynde isolerende termorude kan monteres i de smalle rammer i de gamle bygninger, som virkelig er beregnet til vinduer med enkeltglas.

Pilkington AviSafe™

Pilkington AviSafe™ er en innovativ glasløsning, udviklet for i høj grad at reducere antallet af fuglekollisioner. Den unikke UV-mønstrede belægning bryder refleksionen på glasset, så fuglen kan se, at der findes en hindring.

Pilkington K Glass™ N

Pilkington K Glass™ N er vort hardcoated energiglas som har et klart og neutralt udseende og en lavere overflade-modstand, hvilket gør glasset nemmere at rengøre. Pilkington K Glass™ N har en væsentlig bedre isoleringsevne i forhold til floatglas!

Pilkington Profilit™

Med Pilkington Profilit™ kan du bygge store, sammenhængende glaspartier uden at bærende profiler forstyrrer, som f.eks. vind, varme og lydabsorberende afgrænsning. Systemet består af U-profilerede glaspaneler i ornamentglas og støtteprofiler i plast og aluminium.

Quality and Standards - Pilkington

Pilkington Marine team members know their way around ships. We are familiar with the special conditions on board as well as with the quality levels our customers expect from us.

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